Category: Data Science
2025 UPDATE: California Lottery – Scratchers – picking the winning tickets using math
2025 UPDATE: With the help of Gemini I implemented daily recalculation of the winning odds for all California scratchers on 2023 UPDATE: Full analysis in this spreadsheet (link removed) has been updated to reflect the latest products offered by California Lottery. I’ve always been fascinated by how the lottery works. From a mathematical point…
Monty Hall Problem – How Randomness Rules Our World and Why We Cannot See It
Ever since I read about Monty Hall problem in “The Drunkard’s Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives” book by Leonard Mlodinow from of the California Institute of Technology, I always wanted to try and run a simulation to see that the math is correct. It is one of those problems, where the first answer that comes…
Are People in Colder Countries Taller? in Julia
Continuing to play with Julia and data visualizations. This time I decided to replicate a scatterplot created by Matt Stiles examining the relationship between a country’s average temperature and its male residents’ average height. Data comes from WorldBank and NCD-RisC. The size of the bubbles is linearly proportional to country population. Color indicates new World Bank income categories. People seem to…
Life Expectancy by Country
I was inspired by Andrew Collier’s blog post Life Expectancy by Country where he illustrated how to create a bubble chart that compares female and male life expectancies for a number of countries based on the data scraped from Wikipedia using R and charts. I decided to replicate these results using another popular language for technical computing – Julia. Scraping Wikipedia in…
Measuring user retention using cohort analysis with R
Cohort analysis is super important if you want to know if your service is in fact a leaky bucket despite nice growth of absolute numbers. There’s a good write up on that subject “Cohorts, Retention, Churn, ARPU” by Matt Johnson. So how to do it using R and how to visualize it. Inspired by examples…
Heat map visualization of sick day trends in Finland with R, ggplot2 and Google Correlate
Inspired by Margintale’s post “ggplot2 Time Series Heatmaps” and Google Flu Trends I decided to use a heat map to visualize sick days logged by Finnish users. I got the data from our database, filtering results by country (Finnish users only) in a tab separated form with the first line as the header. Three columns…
Informal notes from Strata 2012 conference on Big Data and Data Science
It’s been almost a month since I came back from California, and I just got around to sorting the notes from O’Reilly Strata conference. Spending time in the Valley is always inspiring – lots of interesting people, old friends, new contacts, new start-ups – it is the center of IT universe. Spending 3 days with…